Thursday, September 28, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
the bitch is back

One more sleep until ELTON!!!!
I wasn't able to find red polyester pants (boourns), but that won't keep me down. Especially since his Seattle show indicates nothing but awesomeness. WOOHOO!!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
it's gonna be me
YAHHHHHHHH!!!!! New host of Fashion File? You're lookin' at 'er!
I'm gonna miss Tim Blanks, though. There's something about a grey-haired English academic discussing Georgia Armani in a pointed British accent that is 100% gem. Why can't they get rid of Jeanne Becker instead?
Monday, September 18, 2006
so you think you're easy

Add 3-4 teaspoons of Horlicks to a mug, add a little water and mix to a smooth paste. Pour in hot milk, stir well and enjoy.
Sounds simple enough. But no. It seems I am entirely unable to make a decent mug of Horlicks. I followed the instructions. I experimented with various temperatures of milk and water. I stirred a lot, I stirred a little. I even tried different pouring techniques. Oh delicious malt-based beverage, what is your secret? How do I unlock your magic? My failure poured mucho salt into the wound of having to miss the Voska Massacre Party.
In the end, I realized the key to great Horlicks is really very simple: ask TBW to make it (no more fooling around with this "make it myself" business. What was I thinking?!) But what happens now? Monday morning? When I'm home alone with a teaspoon, a mug, a kettle of water, some milk, and a bottle of Horlicks. Together, they make me happy, but how? When? Where am I?! Can I do it? CAN I?!!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
E4: Extreme Eastern European Everything
While wandering around here, I came across some videos on YouTube of Vova and Olga, a brother-sister troupe who juggle and practice carnival routines in their living room. Judging from the other videos, they both have safely made it to puberty and are now performing in gymnasiums across the universe. But still. These videos are crazy awesome. I mean, I used to summersault on the couch and do round-offs in the hallway, but that ain't sheeit compared to these kids! Clearly I needed to eat more pierogies as a child, and adopt a name consisting of 2 consonants and 2 vowels ONLY.
PS. This little girl concentrates like awesome.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
good weather

This book rules my world. So does it's author, Rhode Montijo. It has gorgeous illustrations (all in monotone wonderfulness), one sentence per page, and delicious-smelling reinforced binding. I've added it to my list of Best Children's Books Ever, alongside The Red Tree, The Paperbag Princess, Where the Wild Things Are, The Velveteen Rabbit and Mr Topsy Turvy.
Sigh. Why read law books when you can read something that'll make you feel like you'll never be lonely again?
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
here we heart again

Because I am a little behind in the music scene, I was only first introduced to Mr Stephen Merritt at the 826 Seattle fundraiser a few weeks ago, where this small but mighty man sat on a stool, sang and played a very small (not ukulele) guitar. His songs are the stuffs that high school daydreams were made for, which is fitting since I seem to be going through a re-puberty (parental angst, researching skincare, "unique" fashion decisions, locker moments, bad posture and a persistent crush). Rereading Deenie might have something to do with it.
I heart you Stephen Merritt, and your love songs, too.
PS. If your name is Thomas Bartholomew Wong, can you please post the song somewhere here? You know the one. Thank you, kind sir. I shall repay you with arm punches and head pats.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
screaming marmot, anyone?

Ever since sometime around last winter exams, I've been wistful for a high school dance. Helium balloon decorations, people wearing "party" clothes, N*sync, slow jams, and blushing when a boy brushes your arm on his way to the loo. That sort of giddiness just doesn't happen at a bar packed with law students, or in the area de l'interaction. You gotta have the shyness, the new shoes, the arms-length dancing, the Wonder Years moments and cheesy themes. Sometimes, I want to just crash a high school dance and partaay like it's 2001. I realize, I'll probably be sorely disappointed. High schoolers nowadays are wearing short-shorts and dancing to dirrrrty music, but nonetheless, and my commentors agree (a record 4 for me!), a dance party would be rad. Radical, if you will.
Besides this dream of all dreams, I also found some cool links: (1) If Screaming Marmots doesn't catch on as a sports team, feel free to start an emo band and try Sunny With Jonas. (2) Uber-cool Italian manufacturer Industreal asked artists to design objects based on their dreams. Some are too fartsy, but some are sweet.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
believe the hip

Hipsters galore! The law school hallways have suddenly been filled with a different and highly intimidating pack of newbies, clearly accepted for their sense of style, floppy hair and command of a foreign accent. There are chopped bangs, indie tees, and sweater vests at every turn. I can't compete with these hipsters! What's a girl to do? Seek refuge in The Kooks, that's what! First of all, they're called The Kooks. Second of all, they look like that (see image above). Third of all, they hail from Brighton (a hella sweet town to be from) and as such, pronounce words adorably. Fourth of all, they utilize handclapping, the greatest instrument of all! Go The Kooks! High five yourself!!
Monday, September 04, 2006
oh happy days

Peeps! Labour Day is so done. Time to rule the school for the last time, throw some first years into lockers, and make peace with the fact that Maltezers are not sold anywhere in the law building. To help ease the pain/giddiness of going back to linoleum heaven (after a summer spent in fluorescence + air conditioning), I've stocked up on tea + Horlicks, bought a new pair of school shoes, started the long trek through the September issue of Vogue (only 5 pounds, 4 ounces this year), and compiled the Farewell Summer Playlist: Eleven Songs for Hallway Hatas and Textbook Playas:
1. "I've Been Thinking About You" - London Beat
2. "I'll Take You There" - The Staple Singers
3. "They Can't Take That Away From Me" - Ella Fitzgerald + Louis Armstrong
4. "Bowtie" - Outkast
5. "Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want" - Pete Townsend
6. "Age of Consent" - New Order
7. "Sweet Child O' Mine" - Guns N' Roses
8. "Any Time At All" - Beatles
9. "Windy" - The Association
10. "Coffee and TV" - Blur
11. "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" - Tears for Fears