believe the hip

Hipsters galore! The law school hallways have suddenly been filled with a different and highly intimidating pack of newbies, clearly accepted for their sense of style, floppy hair and command of a foreign accent. There are chopped bangs, indie tees, and sweater vests at every turn. I can't compete with these hipsters! What's a girl to do? Seek refuge in The Kooks, that's what! First of all, they're called The Kooks. Second of all, they look like that (see image above). Third of all, they hail from Brighton (a hella sweet town to be from) and as such, pronounce words adorably. Fourth of all, they utilize handclapping, the greatest instrument of all! Go The Kooks! High five yourself!!
I think everyone should listen to this song. And love it. And high five him or herself to it. Oh yes.
The Kooks - She Moves in Her Own Way
Actually, we clearly need a dance party. I don't mean one of those everyone is unhappy and standing against the wall looking depressed dance parties, aka Vancouver on Saturday night. No - I mean the ones where everyone has a shaker or a tambourine and people clap hands and laugh and fall about and there's a lot of shimmy shimmy and at some point the music stops and everyone just claps and sings the chorus. Oh, and there's a live band. Yeah.
THE kooks eh? hmmm... yes a dance partay would rock... a good ol' bar with some live music shall do you good.
This dance party sounds like something that could happen in a big 30 person Karaoke room.
I think this could be done. A rubber band, some duct tape, a voska dour, and I could throw something together?
Do the "aye"s have it?
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