screaming marmot, anyone?

Ever since sometime around last winter exams, I've been wistful for a high school dance. Helium balloon decorations, people wearing "party" clothes, N*sync, slow jams, and blushing when a boy brushes your arm on his way to the loo. That sort of giddiness just doesn't happen at a bar packed with law students, or in the area de l'interaction. You gotta have the shyness, the new shoes, the arms-length dancing, the Wonder Years moments and cheesy themes. Sometimes, I want to just crash a high school dance and partaay like it's 2001. I realize, I'll probably be sorely disappointed. High schoolers nowadays are wearing short-shorts and dancing to dirrrrty music, but nonetheless, and my commentors agree (a record 4 for me!), a dance party would be rad. Radical, if you will.
Besides this dream of all dreams, I also found some cool links: (1) If Screaming Marmots doesn't catch on as a sports team, feel free to start an emo band and try Sunny With Jonas. (2) Uber-cool Italian manufacturer Industreal asked artists to design objects based on their dreams. Some are too fartsy, but some are sweet.
im up for a dance partay! you my dear need to go to an architecture student house party
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