so you think you're easy

Add 3-4 teaspoons of Horlicks to a mug, add a little water and mix to a smooth paste. Pour in hot milk, stir well and enjoy.
Sounds simple enough. But no. It seems I am entirely unable to make a decent mug of Horlicks. I followed the instructions. I experimented with various temperatures of milk and water. I stirred a lot, I stirred a little. I even tried different pouring techniques. Oh delicious malt-based beverage, what is your secret? How do I unlock your magic? My failure poured mucho salt into the wound of having to miss the Voska Massacre Party.
In the end, I realized the key to great Horlicks is really very simple: ask TBW to make it (no more fooling around with this "make it myself" business. What was I thinking?!) But what happens now? Monday morning? When I'm home alone with a teaspoon, a mug, a kettle of water, some milk, and a bottle of Horlicks. Together, they make me happy, but how? When? Where am I?! Can I do it? CAN I?!!
You no worry about the time I bring bitter stomach vodka, and we grow hair on balls!
...hmmm Voska must be thinking that comment again....
what about ooohwaaatine??
Next time we be having no pizza for eating and instead only gentle things like bread and cheese and Eastern European delicacies. And then much singing! And then much afterwards holding head!
I TOTALLY understand your dilemma with Horlicks Mahr!! I still haven't figured it out. But the dream still lives on...
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