clean yourself

I am attempting to clean my wasteland of a room. And in the words of Joey Russo: "Whoh."
While sorting through piles of receipts, clothing, and magazines, I have developed a list of Super Fantastic Things To Do As A Reward For Cleaning (The SFTTDAARFC List):
1. Make a root beer float. Go to the beach.
2. Lifeguard chairs. I do believe it would be sweet to have one of these things in my yard. Do they have regulation lifeguard chairs? Are they collapsible and portable? Look into this.
3. Convince a certain "person" who lives in a certain downtown "apartment building" that it would be an excellent "idea" to give me the "key" to his private outdoor "pool". (DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT). I'll be so good! I won't eat before swimming. Only drink.
4. Acquire a Buffy the Vampire Slayer boardgame. I've lived long enough without one.
5. Get my hands on a steak.
Alright, so I only have 5 items on the list 'cause I've only been cleaning for about 6 minutes. Wearing crinoline + an apron seems to be helping. Perhaps some Buddy Holly will also move things along.
did you know that i share a birthday with joey lawrence? joey lawrence and hitler. BEST DAY EVER.
it seems like we have a lot in common.
the courtship continues...
All right picture this!
You get to this "rooftop pool"[#3 check] to find a sexy lifeguard... chair to take away with you [#2 check], add some sand to the rooftop pool which makes for a super pseudo beach and while ure lounging in the sand gorgeousness hunk o'pool boy will bring you a perfectly made root beer [#1 check + bonus points] float to the fabulous maiden (you) with an accompaniement of STEAK (and I mean serious Gothams slab of STEAK) [#5 check] and finally we end the afternoon with a deadly round of vintage buffy the vampire the slayer boardgame, overtime style! [#4 check]
Oh. My. I'm flush and feeling faint. So much attention from so many lovely ladies. I'm going to need a tall drink of root beer float to calm me down.
#1 check + bonus points INDEED.
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