Love. Yes/No?

Thursdays means binbiru + feeling the love.
I love: the Seabus, Thursdays, curls in lockets, trigonomic tables and the thought of being in Tokyo in less than a year!
I hate: mosquito bites, budgeting, work + teenagers on the beach all of whom are way way way hipper than me.
I have also decided to embrace the PFO's. The more PFO's I get, the less chance I have of articling. The less chance I have of articling, the more likely I'll go to design school. This smells like happiness.
you my dear are speaking in some kind of unknown language to me... pfo's, trigonometry?!! dear god the world has crumbled into catastrophic pile of ick.
My dear gal! Count yourself lucky for not knowing what I'm talking about (Except for trigonometry. Trig is sexy). Sigh. I miss those pre-PFO days. Them times were golden.
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