I-5 or die
Seattle. Road trip. Hoooooollaaaaa. Keeping in mind: the World's First Folding Chair Ever, cowboy shirts, "oatmeal", pinball deficiencies, sake that could clean a subway washroom, a dude that can play 2 (two!) trumpets at once, tamales for breakfast, Japanese lessons, booty booty booty booty rocking on 42nd Avenue, and the ever-present, always-pleasant mano-a-mano luvin' (that is one very special relationship, boyz). Oh, and of course there was some stumbling around Beltown, flush from bad margaritaville, a strapping lad on each arm, and pouncing on some sweet (I mean, MAD SWEET) Garrison caps! Brow-raising veterans calling me darling? Check. Staff sargent + special operations pins? Check. Street steez down the gutter? Hells yeah. Banana-like pyramid hats are the lullaby that puts your street cred to sleep. G-caps reprezent yo!
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