Monday, August 28, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
not just an excellent pastry

The Danish are hella cool. Proof? Folketing, the Danish parliament, has an official stylist. Say vat say vat?!!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
they call me rapzilla

Do I really need anymore reasons to move to Brooklyn? No. Not really. Oh well.
1. The Streetboxx SB-246.
200 loopz produced by the Beatkangz, 24 basses and synths, East-coast and West-coast kitz, 8 hours of battery life, and frequent accessory of J-train passengers.
2. Pool Parties at McCarren Park
Full-court dodgeball and a 27-foot slip'n'slide for the best half of summer.
3. Furniture
Enough of rummaging through scratched Ikea furniture that your neighbours have abandoned in the hallway. Can you imagine what sweet free goodness you could score if small factory lived down the hall? Can you?!!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
what the frank

I finally went through the Frank Gehry collection at Tiffany & Co., hoping there'd be a 4-prong American Centre in Paris set on a platinum band, or a miniature Easy Edges chair strung on a white gold chain, or more sweet watches with scrawly writing on the face. Alas, no. Then I remembered that it was Tiffany & Co. we were talking about here, and the shiny glamazonia of all the pieces made sense. Perhaps I can put in a special order with Frank himself. He's cool like that, isn't he?
Friday, August 18, 2006
so this is love
I've asked it before, and I'll ask it again: WHY AM I NOT BEST FRIENDS WITH THESE PEOPLE?!!!
Lest the world forgets (and I'll never let it), the last time I asked this serious and NOT rhetorical question was in response to another work of pure Okgo genius:
Okgo is clearly a band of the Universe's Most Awesome Geeks. Perhaps my double-posting will impress them. Yes. Yes. Oh yes.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
juice master monkey

The last few weeks have seen a flurry of new purchases made by my Dad. This is shocking considering he feels that Costco rips him off when he buys socks in bulk ("12 pairs for $1.99?!! I could make a pair with one eye and no hands!"). His most recent obsession? Juicing. And when I say obsession I mean obsession. He stays up late at night in the kitchen with an apron on, faint sounds of niaaooor niaaooorrrrrr coming through the closed door. It sounds like we're using chainsaws on body parts. Yum. Juicy.
His first purchase was the Jack La Lanne Power Juicer. But he soon realized that wasn't enough. Pulp kept on getting stuck. It didn't grind seeds or skin. So he called customer service and they recommended the European model, with a stronger engine that could handle seeds, rinds, skin and the like. The day it came, my Dad stayed up until 1:30 AM juicing. We drank apple-pear-carrot juice for 9 days. But it still wasn't enough to quench his insatiable thirst for juicing (nice play on words, eh?). So he returned the European model and now, NOW, has finally purchased the mother of all juicers: a commercial grade power juicer. It's 500 watts and comes in stainless steel. It's being delivered sometime next week. If anyone wants 2 litres of cucumber juice, please let me know.
Mr. Mah's Top 5 Infomercial Purchases:
5. George Foreman's Lean Mean Grilling Machine - "Knock out the fat"
4. Ab Sculptor - "Just 3 minutes a day"
3. Pasta Pronta Express - "Step up to the pasta"
2. Jack Lalaine Power Juicer - "Unlock the power of juicing"
1. Ronco Showtime Rotisserie - "Set it and forget it"
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
this ain't no corn chowder

Seeing as it's one of my Favorite Things To Do and why not get paid to do what you love, I was researching Fall fashion at work. I stumbled upon Th(e) Influencer, a seasonal book dedicated to the collection of fashion visuals predicted to have a lasting influence culture, art, architecture and you. I'm starting to lust over this "visual soup of editorials, ads, unpublished works and art projects". Does anyone have a spare $7,500.00? Anyone? I'll pay you back.*
*With food.
Monday, August 14, 2006
so why don't you marry it then?

I heart Moleskines. They make my heart sing.
In addition to collecting them from others, I've been working on filling more of my blank ones up. I won't ever be able to touch some of the sketching/lettering awesomeness that I've been finding online, but they make for some good inspiration.
1 2 3 4 5 6
PS. Using the word inspiration makes me feel lame sauce.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
taller, smaller and me

This week has been loaded with awesome, more evidence that the last few weeks of summer are going to be killer and we're all going to be famous. I can feel it. It's gonna be just like Fame.
1. Seeing Crazy Cwang at Waterfront Centre and dancing around. Not only is this Camp Awesome, but she is a REAL LIVE CAMP COUNSELLOR. AND WE ZAP PINKY FINGERS.
2. TBW’s discovery of two twisted large rodents who totally understand my Pageant Syndrome (I like outfit changes. So sue me). This will do me well during Corps 1.
3. The delicate words of a Polish Giant that ring true and dear:
"It was indeed a harbinger of cheer
making it feel like Christmas, without need for reindeer.
It was an request, simple at that,
To imbibe in some alcohol and via food to grow fat." [emphasis added]
4. The return of Erbs and, therefore, bubbletea.
5. I saw JCVD in all his bulking flesh.
Jean Claude Van Damme people! Maybe you know him as the Muscles from Brussels? He walked past our table at Chambar on Friday night with a decidedly unhip posse of middle-aged men in high-waisted pants. Let's not forget that only a few weeks ago, I saw Luke Perry. Seeing two wrinkly-forehead celebrities who both had intensely cheesy hunk status in the '90s MUST mean something. It must. I wonder who I'm going to see next. If there is a God, please let me see Rider Strong.
Monday, August 07, 2006
the motherland

The BC Day long weekend marked 2 great homecomings: one from Bowen Island, and one from Japan.
On Saturday morning, a gang of 9 almost-late-and-there's-no-parking panicked rushy people took to Bowen Island for some rest + relaxation. The only item on the itinerary: EAT. Tuscany only served breakfast on Sundays (who DOES that?), so after a lengthy uphill battle, we ended up on a patio at the Galley, high up in Artisan Square. Any meal that includes seafood chowder and shoestring fries is an A+ for me, and the sunshine + breeze were an added bonus. After wandering around and purchasing young adult fiction (AHHH! Judy Blume and Dell-Yearling's for a $1!), our clan settled down in a parched park for some reading and some dancing and some "OMG look at that crazy insect on you don't move I'm trying to take a picture!". When the going got hot, and we realized the taco stand was closed, we headed back home on the Queen of the Capilano, pirate stylz. Ahhhh yes, a most excellent maiden voyage to Bowen. And I even have the something-mosquito bite as evidence of my good time. My sister just told me mosquitoes can bite through clothing. IS NOBODY SAFE?!!
And then on Sunday, the infamous ERBIGAL MARTINEZ came back to Vancouver after a year teaching the Cute in Japan! See you in a few hours, woman! And your little dog too!
PS. Do the dance-walk!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
the new ink

After a good weekend rockin' the B (BBQ, boozey, Beyonce, + blanterns), I was once again reminded that I cannot spend any more time than I possibly have to in an off-white office, wearing classic cut pants. During a recent dose of retail self-medication, I stumbled upon Co & Co, a design collective (gawd how I love those words), based in NYC and Halifax (wootwoot for's!). They do the regular design awesomeness, as well as limited edition t-shirts (of course) under the brand So & So, and also employ Ray Fenwick of The Hall of Best Knowledge fame. Yes. They rule. Check out their sketchbooks section if you need to get your ass into gear and churn out a portfolio which should have been done in 2004 by the end of this year! Not that I know anyone who meets this description. Or anything.
PS. Hi, Elaine.