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Once again, despite our best laid plans, it was the Weekend of Three (not that I'm complaining):
One Polack, one Chinaman, one female.
Toto, Mariah, Bono.
Robots vs. animals vs. fruit.
One amazing drummer girl, two fantastic indie boys (ok, perhaps more than 2).
A double voska dour, one very happy gentle giant.
It's either the monotony of the road or too much Cameron Crowe, but something about driving down the highway makes my mind wander. I start thinking about the places I've been (not many), the things I've seen, and where I hope to end up. Add that to a summer of job dissatisfaction and the beginning of the end of being a student, and it all sums up to looking keenly forward to the chance of starting over again. A new city, a new home, a new musical instrument (YES!), a new pair of shoes, a new plan. Hopes are high, and with it a whole lot of fear, but even I'm getting tired of thinking that all that good stuff out there is for other people and not me, and weary of always settling for my contingency plan (for further information, please click here).
Contingency plans are about as great as getting stuck with the glue that's lost its stick during craft time: it leaves a bad feeling on your skin and holds you up from putting all the little pieces together, until you get frustrated, and have to ask the nice kid who looks like Danuel Pipoly to borrow his, go back to your seat, peel the half-stuck construction paper from the now-sticky-but-not-sticky-enough yarn, and start again. Which is fine. Except for the anxiety of having to work twice as fast because everyone else is almost done and soon they're going to be lining up to go fly kites outside, and you don't want to be the last kid stuck in the classroom, making paper bag puppets all by yourself (not that paper bag puppets aren't the Most Awesome Thing EVER).
In other words, don't go to law school when you really don't want to be a lawyer.
Alright alright alright. Enough being grumptastic. What can I do to make your day bright again? I know.
awwww!! HUGS!! must do something this week for shizzle
I love you cwang, and I love your comments, too. Woop!
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