Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Damn hipster 19 year olds

Princeton is ruling my private sheep school now. And I found them without any help! Oh, information superhighway, you are marvelous.
No, your eyes are not deceiving you. He is in fact kicking up his leg and playing the clarinet (tap that!).
The Anchor Centre has a delightful video review of their song, "The Indifference Curve". Please note, since they did not have a full drum kit to record with, they resorted to handclapping.
"Wouldn't it suck to be the ugly twin?"
Yes. Yes it would.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Going to the chapel, and we're...

Hells yeah. It's finally happened. No, no, no, not that sprinklers, cowboy hats, and emu thing. Though there was that time when raccoon ninja's appeared out of nowhere and ... ANYWAYS, the first engagement has occurred among my posse of high school friends! Thus begins the tide of nuptials + registry shopping + stagettes + bling. And with all that, I have officially become a twentysomething. Congratumalations, Queenie my dear!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The orange one always lasts
There are some things from childhood that I will always fancy and never grow tired of. I'm not sure if it's nostalgic romanticizing, or that some things in the eighties were just Hella Epically Awesome (HEA for short). I am inclined to go with the HEA theory, and this video is evidence of that. This montage blew my mind when I first saw it, and it does so to this day (thank you TBW, for yon mad youtube skilling).
So wait wait wait, let me get this straight: a montage of how crayons are made? Gazing into the tip of the crayon in a daydream sequence? Little crayons popping out of their mould? Old man with glasses picking them up with his bare hands (BARE HANDS!)? Old lady in the smock? 46, 847 crayons? No, 46,848! Packing them into wooden crates? Germanic machine shuffling them into order? Oh gawd oh gawd oh gawd. It's. Just. So. Beautiful.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
Happy birthday, Christine Wang!

Happy Birthday Week to you! 5 x 5 = 25 years old! Rocket like you've never rocked it before!
I hope you're eating enough cake + ice cream + rack of lamb to power a medium-sized nation-state. I do wish I was pimp enough to jetset over to Ottawa and celebrate with you. However, fear not: I will be partying with you in my head all week long. "Why does Sharon look so dazed?" "Oh, she's throwing a her mind."
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Where's your turkey?

I realize I haven't eaten Thanksgiving dinner yet. It's tomorrow. At 6 o'clock. But I'm writing this in advance because I know I'll be too comatose to do so when the reality of a 10 pound turkey with borscht and sides hits me. Hits me hard.
Whoa. So. Much. Food.
Must force myself to dance in the living room to Elton John, and fight the urge to pass out on the couch rubbing my belly. Gahhhhhhh. Limbs. Not. Responding. To. Requests.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
honey, I shrank

Is it wrong + Freudian to want to live in this Sirch SIBI Bauhaus dollhouse? Is it?
Their wheelbarrow and trailer hitch are pretty sweetums, too.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I'll have a #4, please

Vietnamese Coffee: A Test
Method A: Do not stir coffee with condensed milk. Pour into ice glass. Leave beautiful streams of condensed milk on the sides of the glass. Casually stir and enjoy delicious beverage.
Method B: Stir coffee with condensed milk. Pour ice into coffee. Splash ice and coffee all over table, drowning napkins and splattering Special Sandwich. Casually stir and enjoy delicious beverage.
Method C: Stir coffee with condensed milk. Pour into ice glass. Stay clean and dry. Casually stir and enjoy delicious beverage.
Sunday, October 01, 2006

I was just visiting Cwang on the Information Superhighway, and was reminded that it is TOTALLY OCTOBER! I've already procrastinated a month on cleaning my room, buying books, studying, working on the magazine, looking for a job, sorting out my credit, shopping for a jacket (and some scarves), getting glasses, and cutting my hair. Where has all the time gone?!
Oh yes. That's right. I gave it to Elton.
To get a start on it, here is an It's October And About Time To Get Off Your Shaker Playlist (IOAATTGOYSP):
1. "Shotgun" - Junior Walker & The All Stars
2. "Take A Walk on the Wild Side" - Lou Reed
3. "I'm Your Man" - Wham!
4. "Straight Through the Heart" - Bon Jovi
5. "Come On Eileen" - Dexy's Midnight Runners
6. "Dirty Mind" - The Pipettes
7. "Work It" - Missy Elliott
7. "I'm Glad I Hitched My Apple Wagon To Your Star" - The Boy Least Likely To
8. "Heart Light" - Neil Diamond
9. "If Looks Could Kill" - Camera Obscura
10. "Sad Songs (Say So Much)" - Elton John
11. "Half Lit" - Richard Swift
12. "Seaside" - The Kooks
13. "Angel, Won't You Call Me?" - The Decemberists
14. "Got 'til It's Gone" - Janet Jackson, feat. QTip
15. "Knock Three Times" - Tony Orlando & Dawn
16. "Pink Moon" - Nick Drake
17. "My Little Runaway" - Del Shannon ("I wa-wa-wa-wa-wonder...")
18. "Call Me" - Blondie